Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Arch Angle Michael Talks about the CT shooting and its great message to the world. Also touches upon the coming days including 12/21/12 and Accession

Arch Angle Michael
 As channeled through Linda Dylan on An Hour With An Angle through Blog Talk Radio 

As I promised in my earlier post I am now writing about what was discussed in regards to the CT shooting and why it was allowed to occur.
What was its purpose on a higher level of understanding
and how can we move forward.

For myself I was very excited to hear what Michael had to say. When checking in with my intuition before the show I felt as if this act was NOT a planned attempt by the dark cabal and also was a great lesson for the entire world. Although I did have my seeds of doubt with all of these rumors of it being an attempt to make carrying an arm weapon illegal. Before this show I wasn't sure how I felt about this. I thought well that does make since, the conspiracy that our government wants to disarm us to more easily control us, but then I realized how much fear surrounded this concept. Confused to say the least, this channeling brought much clarity and peace of mind. Making my view on the argument "Guns or NO guns" so much clearer
It took me rite back to my heart, where the answer always was.

Notes From Interview with AAM
(most are direct quotes)
  • It was a tragedy in New Town and it was a sacrifice of innocence both children and adults and yes there is Devine purpose that comes out of this.
  • was it a planned action on our part? absolutely not that is not how we operate 
  • it was the action , yes of a very deranged ill dis-eased individual 
  • it was not the act of the cabal they are in far too deep of containment.
  • let us talk about the meaning; It is time for all of humanity east north south to come together as one community and this atrocity, this killing of children needlessly, brings to the for front what is taking place on your planet
  • the people in CT have come together as a surrogate and a catalyst for the human race to come together and say no more.
  • that the slaughter of innocence is not acceptable in any realm 
  • It is not acceptable for children to be hit by stray bullets, by gang wars or by drug lords, to die of starvation, disease. 
  • Now I wish to tell you that all of these angles (victims) were well out of their body and already in the arms of the mother prior to their death 
  • she had already gathered them up
  • so it is not just for them that you weep it is for each other, because wat you are seeing, what you are whitnessing is the pain and suffering that violence does to humanity, to families, to friends, to siblings, to parents, to neigbors and it is all of you saying No More.
Question: Lord what do you say to the people who advocate the right to bare arms in america? 
  • Not only to america, I say it to nations that carry weapons to destroy families and friends, I say to all beings that carry guns or weapons and I am talking about missal or chemical weapons 
  • when you live in fear then that is what you create is fear 
  • when you live in harmony and community and unity that is what you create
  • how can you live in unity and love and carry weapon guns ready to kill someone you don't like or don't care about
  • and it is particularly dangerous when you have those weapons available to those who are unbalanced and we suggest to you that there is no way to safe guard against someone who is in the throws of a psychotic episode, their is no way to prevent them from getting a weapon if in fact they are available.
  • That is a fools belief 
  • so if you expect harm to come to you then harm will come to you 
  • it is a time of change and you can not build nova earth with guns missals and chemical weapons 
  • you can not do it, it is not possible
  • not in any universe not in any realm  
Direct link to show : (please listen for yourself much more is discussed in regards to 12/21/12 and ascension towards the middle end of the interview)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The CT Elementary shooting and Its significance to the path of Ascension.

Jesus called them to him, saying. "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God." -Luke 18:16

The tragedy of what occurred this past week in CT has left us all speechless.
 I know for myself I immediately asked Why?
How could such an evil act be 
and here I was feeling so hopeful soaking in the new energies of the current shift then boom
our world stops 
Im not mad at anyone nor do I hold any fury towards the now desist murderer 
but overwhelming sadness 
mostly for the families who have to bare the pain of losing a precious innocent child or someone they love just ten days before christmas.
I do know though that there is an explanation,
that the Devine plan is always in action no matter how dark the circumstances
SO I am searching for that reason.
I feel it will be brought up by an arch angle in the next channeling done on In Light Radio
which airs tomorrow 
but I desperately need something to resonate.
Once I have found this answer I will confidently share it on my blog
so that hopefully it will imbed clarity in all of our hearts and ease our 3rd dimensional way of thinking.

Hold your child a little bit closer, stare into their eyes a little bit longer
for they are teaching us something substantial
although this lesson may be detrimental  
leaving our hearts tender and bruised 
lay faith in the plan 
and give all your fears to God .

Loving You Always
Me, your sister

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mercury Venus and Saturn are lining up over the three pyramids in Egypt! Dec 3 2012 (today) ! What does this mean? what is the Significance ?

Mercury Venus and Saturn are lining up over the three pyramids in Egypt! Dec 3 2012 (today) !
What does this mean? what is the Significance ?
Notes Made from video
  • Venus is aligned over the largest of the three planets , It has been historically correct to say that humanity is very much aware of placing venus with love on many different levels.
  • Mercury stand for swiftness, It has the shortest track around the sun the fastest planet The ancients understood that this foretold a heightened journey, and that also is happening now.
  • Saturn is considered the work horse , it took a very long time of extremely difficult work as there is so much opposition to this idea of love but the spirit forces and human race persisted to bring forth love on many levels
  • Its has always been "so below as above" and so there is a connection between the pyramids, these three planets and the celestial bodies in the belt of orion. A rare Occasion. 
  • It is an occasion of completion, planets are pointing to events that are happening rite now on planet earth.
  • the pyramids were a means of transition which made it possible for souls to transport to different dimensions 
  • This alignment you can consider a sign of success. The energies are here.
  • They will not necessarily be fully implemented but it is a sign from the heavens that the element of love on all levels has come and is present here on the planet 
  • Those who are in opposition who believe in power and control have no concept at all of this and this is the moment that will be the dividing factor 
  •  So where one finds themselves on this date will determine whether they will accept the challenge of loving thy neighbor as well as thyself
Hope you enjoyed this post everyone and please bask in the energy of today!