Sunday, December 16, 2012

The CT Elementary shooting and Its significance to the path of Ascension.

Jesus called them to him, saying. "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God." -Luke 18:16

The tragedy of what occurred this past week in CT has left us all speechless.
 I know for myself I immediately asked Why?
How could such an evil act be 
and here I was feeling so hopeful soaking in the new energies of the current shift then boom
our world stops 
Im not mad at anyone nor do I hold any fury towards the now desist murderer 
but overwhelming sadness 
mostly for the families who have to bare the pain of losing a precious innocent child or someone they love just ten days before christmas.
I do know though that there is an explanation,
that the Devine plan is always in action no matter how dark the circumstances
SO I am searching for that reason.
I feel it will be brought up by an arch angle in the next channeling done on In Light Radio
which airs tomorrow 
but I desperately need something to resonate.
Once I have found this answer I will confidently share it on my blog
so that hopefully it will imbed clarity in all of our hearts and ease our 3rd dimensional way of thinking.

Hold your child a little bit closer, stare into their eyes a little bit longer
for they are teaching us something substantial
although this lesson may be detrimental  
leaving our hearts tender and bruised 
lay faith in the plan 
and give all your fears to God .

Loving You Always
Me, your sister


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