Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Vaccine Guide Parents!

The Vaccine Guide 
Hey Mamas and Dada's out there! 
Are you on the fence about shots? The only thing you can do is Educate yourself.
I personally have always questioned the necessity of these shots and when I say these I mean the numerous shots introduced to our children at an infants age.
Could this really be protecting them? 
or are the side effects worse than the disease its "protecting" them from?
in some cases maybe it is and in others maybe not?
This is really your decision not the doctors.

This Book was recommended to me by my Mid-Whife Sunshine. She is truly inspirational and it was a blessing to have her assist me during the birth of my son Isaiah.
None of Sunshines children are vaccinated, and some of them well into their teens are healthy and thriving young ladies. 

This is my son Isaiah 
He is almost 2 and is also Vaccine Free.
So far a healthy young boy, who has experienced and fought against the common colds and flues we all go through.
There's been nothing his immune system couldn't handle.

 I would not have been able to stand confidently in my conviction not to vaccine my child if I didn't educate myself first.
This book has shown me the pros and cons to vaccines. Neither biased to one side or the other Randall Neustaedter does a beautiful job presenting facts and also in siting these facts, proving his statements are valid.

The One Peoples Public Trust

So much has happend in a month!! 
How have you been feeling energetically as well as physically? 
I know for myself and numerous people in my life its been a sickly month. We all were hit by a vicious cold/cough/fever for about two weeks! I also know many other people across the planet have experienced these symptoms as well. The month of January 2013 has been quite a ride! Now with this full moon just passing and my emotional body somewhat tamed I can bring to you new and awesome updates in regards to Nova Earth! 

The One Peoples Public Trust
A huge topic floating through the Web and Hitting many of us light workers smack in the face!
YES! is this what we have been waiting for?
Have the The untied nations been legally and officially foreclosed upon ?
Are we finally removing our shackles?
As well as getting back what is rightfully ours in gold and silver?
Is our debt and struggle finally coming to its end legally
These are questions that have been flooding the minds of many 
and now is the topic of discussion in this beautiful interview with 

 Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf of The One People's Public Trust by American Kabuki, Brian, and D
posted on January 3, 2013 

I've found this interview to be fulfilling in many ways. If this is the first time your hearing about TOPPT then Kabuki's page and interview with Heather will be the perfect source for all of your questions. He goes about explaining a very complex topic in a way that is easily digested and understood. 
Im so thankful to Heather and her creation of TOPPT as well as to American Kabuki and many others for really helping people understand the logistics of it all.

The Link to Kabuki's Page

The link to the Interview 

As always take what you like, Leave what you don't and share what inspires you!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 world predictions with Alison Baughman and Joseph Spirit man

2013 world predictions with Alison Baughman and Joseph Spirit man

 Notes from show
2013 being a 6 year  (2+0+1+3) and what that means for us.
 How it will influence our finances, whether, relationships even ground breaking stem cell research!
 What we should expect and how to prepare.
A renowned physic as well as reliable numerologist  collaborate in bringing us some inspiring and shocking 2013 predictions, enjoy ! 

As always, take what you like, leave what you don't and share what inspires you!